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Karismath - English, Grade 1

Please choose your desired topic:

1  Circle
2  Square ( Part 1)
3  Square ( Part 2)
4  Rectangles
5  Triangles (Part 1)
6  Triangle (Part 2)
7  Drawing Pictures
1  Small, Big, Short, Long.
2  Narrow, Wide, Short, Tall, Light, Heavy
1  Inside, Outside, Next to
2  2 Up, Down, Above, Below
3  Front and Behind
4  Before-After (Part 1)
5  Before-After (Part 2)
1  Numbers 1 and 2
2  Number 3
3  Number 4
4  Number 5
5  Number 6 (Part 1).
6  Number 6 (Part 2)
7  Number 7 (Part 1)
8  Number 7 (Part 2)
9  Number 8 (Part 1)
10  Number 8 (Part 2)
11  Number 9 (Part 1)
12  Number 9 (Part 2)
13  Counting How Many
14  The Concept of Zero
1  Regrouping to TEEN Numbers (Part 1)
2  Regrouping to TEEN Numbers (Part 2)
3  Regrouping to make TY- Numbers  (Part 1)
4  Regrouping to make TY- Numbers (Part 2)
5  Turning Point in Regroupinbg
6  Ordinal Numbers (Part 1)
7  Ordinal Numbers (Part 2)
1  Same and Different, Equality Sign ( Part 1)
2  2 Same/Different, Equality Sign ( Part 2)
1  Addition Concept (Part 1)
2  Addition Concept (Part 2)
3  Adding to 5-6 at a Glance (Part 1)
4  Adding to 5-6 at a Glance (Part 2)
5  Adding to 6 at a Glance
6  Adding Upto 7 at a Glance
7  Adding to 8 at a Glance (Part 1)
8  Adding to 8 at a Glance (Part 2)
9  Adding to 9 at a Glance (Part 1)
10  Adding to 9 at a Glance (Part 2)
11  Number Bonds 5 to 9 
12  Adding with Head & Hands
13  2-digits plus 1-2 digits , no Regrouping
1  Subtraction Concept
2  Subtracting with Numbers (Part 1)
3  Subtracting With Numbers (Part 2)
4  2-digits Minus 2-digits, no regrouping
1  Even and Odd Numbers

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