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Karisenglish (First Stage) is an innovative, researched-based and extensively tested english-learning program designed and developed to teach english to Pakistan’s rural and socio-economically deprived populations. The First Stage addresses three basic concerns:

  • English language learners have to be taught how to listen, understand and speak in english before they learn to read and write it.

  • The teaching and learning has to be highly visual and interactive enough to evoke a flow of oral learning responses from the learners.

  • Learners should understand (in Urdu) the rationale underlying most common and frequently used non-visual words in english language sentences.

  • All explaining and teaching has to be conducted in Urdu.

Urdu is the 3rd most spoken language in the world (Pakistan, India and Indo-Pakistani diaspora the world over).

NOTE: Only a third of the Karisenglish (First Stage) videos have been developed.

Please choose your desired topic:

1  Open & Closed Sounds (Part 1)
2  Using a or an (Part 2)
3  Using a or an (Part 3)
1  This & That with a & an (Part 1).
2  This & That with a & an (Part 2).
3  This & That with a & an (Part 3).
4  This & That with a & an (Part 4).
1  These Are & Those Are (Part 1)
2  These Are & Those Are (Part 2)
3  This-These & That-Those
1  Describing A and An (Part 1)
2  Describing A and An (Part 2)
1  Review + Introducing Here & There (Part 1)
2  Review + Introducing Here & There (Part 2)
1  Understanding In and On (Part 1)
2  Using In and On (Part 2)
3  Using In and On (Part 3)
1  When not to use A and An (Part 1)
2  When not to use A and An (Part 2)
3  When not to use A and An (Part 3)
4  When not to use A and An (Part 4)
5  When not to use A and An (Part 5)
1  Asking & Answering Questions (Part 1)
2  Asking & Answering Questions (Part 2)
1  Review In and On
2  Introducing And
3  Practicing with And
1  Understanding No & Not
2  Understanding This and It
1  Introducing Front & Behind (Part 1)
2  Introducing Front & Behind (Part 2)
1  Reviewing What and Who (Part 1)
2  Reviewing What and Who (Part 2)
1  Learning I Am, You Are
2  Learning She Is, He is
1  Introducing We
2  Introducing We and They
3  They & Feeling Words
1  Practice Using A & An, On & In
2  Practice Using A and An
2  Uisng Have and Has (Part 2)
1  Uisng Have and Has (Part 1)
1  Present & Continuous
2  Doing Words - Present Continuous(Part 1)
3  Doing Words - Present Continuous(Part 2)
1  Review Doing Words
2  Review Present Continuous
1  Practice - I Have, S/he Has
2  Practice Present Conitnuous
3  Practice Present Perfect with S/he (Part 1)
4  Practice Present Perfect with s/he (Part 2)
5  Review and Introduce We, They
6  Practice with I, You, She, He, We, They
1  Past Continuous for I am, We are
2  Past Continuous with You Were
3  Past Continuous with S/he Was
4  Past Continuous with They were
1  Present Perfect & Continuous with You
2  Past Continuous with We, They
3  Practicing Past Continuous (Part 1)
4  Practice Present & Past Tense
5  Practicing Past Continuous (Part 2)
6  Past Tense using -ed
1  Introducing Future Tense
2  Learning Future Continuous
3  Review of all Tenses
1  Describing Words (Part 1)
2  Describing Words (Part 2)
3  Describing & Comparing Words (Part 1)
4  Describing & Comparing Words (Part 2)
5  Review Comparing Things
6  Making Story Sentences
1  Introducing My, Mine
2  Introducing My, Mine & You, Yours
3  Recapping You, Your, Yours, my, mine
1  Review Mine, Yours & His, Hers
2  Review His and Hers
3  Practice My-Mine & You-Yours
4  Introducing They, Their & Theirs
5  Introducing We, Our & Ours
1  Final Review Practice (Part 1)
2  Final Review Practice (Part 2)

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